Check the Resilience of Your Company, Portfolio or Fund.

Find its Fragilities. Protect it.

Will Your Business, or Investment Survive?

  • Portfolios

    Analyze in minutes your investment portfolio or fund. All it takes is asset prices over a given period of days, weeks or months. Our Resilience Management System will pinpoint which assets are potential sources of fragility and exposure.

  • Companies

    Analyze quarterly Balance Statements, Cash Flows, Income Statements or Ratios. Measure the State of Health of any private or public company and find out why it may be exposed and vulnerable. Obtain a unique CAT Scan and a Resilience Rating of your business. Use data you trust, trust the result.

  • Trading Desks

    Use hourly or daily PnL information from each trader to perform a unique Systemic Risk analysis of a Trading Desk. Find out which traders are putting the entire desk at risk. A real-time solution is also available

  • White Paper

    Read about the numerous applications of Resilience Rating in economy and finance.

Pricing Information

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